Firefight Hat Match- Up! (File Folder Game)

How to make: 
1. Chose the colored version or the black and white version of the game. If you choose colored just simply print all the pages. If you choose the black and white, print and color in all the pages. 
2. Cut out all the pieces 
3. Mount 10 fire hats and 10 corresponding color tags under the hats onto an open file folder. 
4. Mount the remaining hats onto a piece of tag board then cut out. 
5. Glue directions and game title onto the front of the file folder. 
6. Glue the game label onto the File folder tab. 
7. Laminate the inside of the file folder and the tag board pieces. 
8. Add a small piece of Velcro to the hats on the file folder. Add the other side of the Velcro to the back of the loose hat. 
9. Store pieces in an envelope.

Game Title


Game Label